Tareas de la/del "au pair"

Would I have to pay for my flights to and from the host country?

2 Answerslatest answer: 5 years ago 4686 views

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Dear Eleonora, 

that would depend on where you want to go to and how long you would stay. In most countries it's an agreement between you and the host family. If there's no official regulations for the travel expenses, they can be either split or paid in full by the host family or the au pair. This can also depend on how long you stay with the host family: if you're there only for a short time, the family might feel it's your responsibility to pay for all the travel expenses, but might be happy to pay the return flight if you have been with them for a longer time. 

Have a look at our country information for more details for each country. 

Best regards,
Taina from the connectAuPair team

thank you!

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