connectAuPair Reporta un error

Why can’t I upload photos and certificates in my connectAuPair profile?

I’m new at connectAuPair and had been trying to complete my profile but have difficulties to upload documents, certificates, and even photos. It’s so unfortunate if my profile have no pictures or documents attached.

Can someone tell me how can I upload those? I’ve tried logging in from cellphone, iPad, and chrome but none helps.

Thanks before!

4 Answerslatest answer: 6 years ago2 have this question 4529 views

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Dear Priska, 

sorry to hear you are having trouble uploading pictures and documents. 

Have you tried with different formats, like uploading the pictures in JPG format and the other documents in PDF format? 

Best regards,
Taina from the connectAuPair team

P. R.P. R. "au pair"
31 de marzo de 2018

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Dear Priska,

our system administrator had a look at it and there seems to be a general problem with the data upload in iOS (iPhone & iPad) - he's working on fixing it, but it seems to be much more complicated than expected...

So for now there are two options:

  • If you have a Mac-computer, a Windows computer or an Android phone or tablet, log in from there and upload the pictures & documents
  • If you don't have this option, you can send us your documents to and we can upload them for you.

Sorry for this inconvenience!!

Best regards,
Maria from the cAP team

Dear Maria,

Thank you so much for your answer. I think I might give it a try to re-upload my photos and documents anytime soon.

Thanks before!

Best regards,


Ésta es la solución aceptada:


Thanks for reporting this error!

We fixed this!

Best regards,
have a nice day!


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