Preguntas acerca de la información del país

Why can't I become an au pair in Belgium?


I'm searching for an aupair family in Belgium for the next year (2018) but apparently I can't apply for that country and I'm not able to find the reason why. Could you please, give me some more information about that? Thank you in advance for your help and attention.

1 Answerslatest answer: 6 years ago 2872 views

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Dear Marta, 

welcome to connectAuPair! 

It seems that you are already too old to apply to Belgium, as the age limit for the au pairs there is 25 years. There are also certain language requirements. Please have a look at the basic information and prerequisites for Belgium in our country information. From there you can check the countries where you can apply as well! 

With kind regards,

Taina from the cAP team

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