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Some of the documents I need to have are not in English. To whom can I turn to to get an English translation?

Some of the documents I have to provide to lodge my visa application are not in English. Who is authorized to issue accredited English translations?

1 Answerslatest answer: 7 years ago 4254 views

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Dear au pair,

There are different ways to obtain an accredited English translation.

Listed below are some possibilities. 

  • sworn translator
  • certifying notary
  • language service (also online available)

We recommend to make sure that you always ask for an estimate of costs before you place your order in having one or more of your documents translated and / or English translation(s) accredited.

Besides that you have to make sure that whoever you'v chosen to accredit your English translation(s) is admitted therefore.

Best regards,

connect AuPair-Team

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