
is it sutable to find host family online or through agency..?

1 Answerslatest answer: 4 years ago 3127 views

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Dear Maria,

we think the best is to combine both worlds - online matching and agency support!

The first step is already done - you can find many agencies in our overview of au pair agencies, and those who are a "connectAuPairPartner" (you can filter for them) can be contacted directly via the messaging system.

So far the functions for agencies are pretty basic, but we have big plans to change that and make agencies an important part of connectAuPair.

Until then you can either search for a host family on your own, or contact an agency and ask them to find a host family for you.

I cross my fingers for you that - either way - you soon find a matching host family!

Best regards,

Maria from the cAP team

Mandar Cancelar

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