Tareas de la/del "au pair" Tareas

I'm looking for an au pair that helps me to assist my grandfather but this does not fit in with the search criteria, how can I solve this?

6 Answerslatest answer: 6 years ago 2144 views
This translation to inglés was done by Davide Contu - Equipo connectAuPair at 2018-01-04 15:04

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Hi Stefania,

thank you for your question and welcome on connectAuPair!

The reason for the lack of this option among the search criteria is very simple: taking care of mature people is not part of the tasks of an au pair.

For more information on what an au pair is and what is not, you can take a look at our frequently asked questions on the subject.

I hope this answers your question!


Davide, from the connectAuPair team

Ciao Stefania,

benvenuta su connectAuPair  e grazie per la tua domanda!

Il motivo per l'assenza di questa opzione tra i criteri di ricerca è molto semplice:  il prendersi cura delle persone mature non rientra tra i compiti di un au pair.

Per maggiori informazioni su cosa sia e cosa non sia un au pair, puoi dare un occhiata alle  nostre domande frequenti sull'argomento.

Spero di esserti stato d'aiuto,

un saluto,

Davide, dal team di connectAuPair


Je suis disposée à vous aidé à ce niveau

Je me suis occupée pendant très longtemps de mes grands parents donc je sais ce que s'est! Maintenant s'il ya des choses à apprendre je m'atellerai et je m'appliquerai. Néanmoins au besoin contactez moi

Hello dear

 I write in french because m'y english is poor! I juste try to write in english but i understand english so i think that i Can help you 

I am an au pair looking for job. If you want help for your father or grand father juste answer me i Will be there

Bonjour, je serais honoré d'être dans votre famille d'accueil pour pratiquer ces expériences

Olá eu posso te ajudar só me responder por favor

Hello, I'm interesting, talk with me on whatsapp for more information [deleted]

Si médico y me encantaría ayudarte con los cuidados. soy médico Venezolana pero me encuentro actualmente en Francia 

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