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I'm a little bit confused. I've just read about meeting the 'character and police requirements'. Is there a difference in-between the two of them?

1 Answerslatest answer: 7 years ago 3683 views

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Dear au pair,

Everyone who wants to enter Australia must be of good character. As part of the immigration process you will be assessed against the character requirements they ask for.

Often it is sufficient to provide a police clearance certificate - or however it is named in your home country - to meet their character requirements.

But sometimes you might be asked to provide further personal details, like a statutory declaration.

So 'meeting the police requirements' is actually part of 'meeting the character requirements'.

A full explanation hereabout (character and police certificate requirements) you can find on the identically named section on the website of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection provided by the Australian Government.

Best regards,


Mandar Cancelar

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