connectAuPair Aplicaciones faltantes

How can I complete my profile?

Hello! I'm writing this because I can't complete my profile. When I write something in the "Plus sur moi" section, I can't find the "Save" button. How can I save my presentation?

Thank you in advance for the reply!

2 Answerslatest answer: 6 years ago 3492 views

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Dear Greta,

there should be a saving button in each edit window for each question and language, see screenshot:

If this isn't the case for you, please let us know how you use our page, so that our programmer can trace the reason more easily:

  • desktop or mobile (which phone?)
  • operating system (windows, mac/iOS, android)
  • browser - best including the version (internet explorer 11, Firefox 53,...)

Sorry for this inconvenience and thanks for helping us in solving the issue!!

Best regards,
Maria from the cAP team

Maria KnauerMaria Knauer Equipo connectAuPair
27 de mayo de 2017

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Yes! Thank you very much, I found the button!

Mandar Cancelar

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