Cómo convertirse en una/un "au pair"/familia de acogida ¿Es esto bueno para mí?

Hello Saara, fine?I would like to work au pair in Finland, what is the process to find a family?

2 Answerslatest answer: 7 years ago 4109 views

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Dear Natáfali,

as it's a "long weekend" here in Germany, not all of our CSMs are working, so I take the chance to answer you :-)

In our FAQ you find a step by step instruction how to find a host family with connectAuPair and in the Country Information for Finland you find everything you need to know about your desired host country, but I'm sure, you already studied this thouroughly :-)

As we just went online some weeks ago, our "matching" is not yet available - we are currently in the testing phase and it looks good that we can keep our plan and release it beginning of next week.

To be able to find a familiy fast, it's very important that you have a nice profile - I saw that you already uploaded several pictures and filled in a lot of the "more about me" questions. Please check, if the texts there (in English) are in the right language version - seems to me like you gave the English answers to the Portugues questions, so they are currently displayed with the question in Portuguese and the answer in English, which is a little bit confusing. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need help on fixing this.


Maria from the cAP team

Hello Natáfali,

thank you also on my behalf for your message in our community, I'm happy to hear that you are interested in being an au pair in Finland! I am glad to notice you've already gotten a thorough answer and important hints from Maria. So, after our matching function is launched and you are able to find your host family, you should make sure you can provide all the documents mentioned in our step by step instructions for Finland. There you can also find a link for the Finnish Immigration Service website with detailed information about the residence permit process. 

Best regards,

Saara from the cAP team

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