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beeing homesick doesnt mean that you do not like your HosteFamily

When Start planing the Trip you need to make your self clear that you  will get homesick somewhen

1 Answerslatest answer: 4 years ago3 have this question 3686 views

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One of our au pairs was very homesick. We tried our best to help her feel at home but she didn’t tell us for a while and was just sad. But she didn’t try very hard to join in with family life. When she told us months later we set up more Skype time and we even did a Norway day for her to help her feel a little more at home. It made a little difference, but she left us early because she just wasn’t happy being away from home. I think if she had told us at the beginning we could have done more to help her be happy in the UK. 

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